Cool Site: NBC’s Olympic Site Off the Podium
Groovin’ to: 1.FM – Chill Out Lounge (internet radio)
Last year I had a great idea to take a UC Berkeley Extension class on Journalism, and become a writer! (Illuminating spotlight shines down on my head. Angelic descant in the background) I’d taken classes from them before, and the journalism class in my mind was much more “bankable” than the fiction class I wanted to take. I could use it to write articles, press releases, improve my critical writing, give myself some street cred, etc., in whatever job. Needless to say, I didn’t finish the course. At the time, I thought it was because my laptop broke, my dad came for a few weeks and I spent all summer planning (and having) the wedding. All of which happened. In the six month period I had to finish the course.
But really, I like writing fiction much better. My heart just wasn’t in it. To be an “investigative” reporter (use Zoolander pronunciation here) wasn’t my style. I’d have to start researching, and um, being objective.
But now, it appears my survival instincts were right. As incredible as it seems, 150 journalists died last year. I am sorry for those who have chosen such a risky profession. I haven’t heard of a single romance or chick lit author dying “on the job.” I think fiction is the way to go.
Even though I just want to stay at home, nice and warm, and type what my mind tells me to, I know the best way to get motivated is to get out. Breathe different air. Memorize structures and features of others’ faces. Try to read thoughts. Give them your own thoughts. Make countless “what ifs” and random tangents from external stimuli.
Luckily, getting out and meeting people got much more interesting in the SF Bay area after I left the States (and subsequently met S). First, Singles’ Cooking Classes at Gourmet Gatherings and Serendipity-SF, singles-only gatherings like Date My Friend and now, Espresso Dating. Now, all you have to do is leave the house!
My advice for Espresso Dating…DON’T choose to meet in your favorite Starbucks or coffee hangout. In case things don’t go well, you won’t have to worry about switching baristas and finding a new bagel shop who knows you like an Everything with Low-fat Vegetable spread, lightly toasted.
I have to live vicariously through you, my single friends. Or at least make you my guinea pigs. Venture out, my little ones. Then, tell me all about it so I can use it for a story.
There are some ways to meet other people/expats here in Milan. AperoNet is an aperitivo network that meets every other week in different bars. An ex-runner (I’m only on a break), the Hash Hound Harriers in Milan I’ve known about them for years. appeals to me – “a drinking club with a running problem.” You can also check out EasyMilano or HelloMilano often for listings of different international groups or people looking for language exchanges.
Also, if you are really slow on the information highway, then you still don’t know about Craig’s List – so get on it! There’s a different one for almost any major city in the world, though it started in SF. I bought a set of my casual dishes on it for cheap! cheap! last summer, and there are even jobs, meet-ups and events, classifieds, all free!
Thanks for your comments. I would love any help learning the language. Re: my trip, I don’t know if I will be coming to Milan. It depends on how many meetings I have in Rome. I will be taking overnight trips to Florence and Positano. I leave L.A. April 27th and return May 16th.