- [Baby] What a baby weekend! Welcome to little Veronica, born on Sunday to my friend Gia in Torino! I saw her the day before and we shopped like maniacs. I’m not worthy.
- [Tech] Die-hard Internet Explorer fan? Ready to start using RSS to track your favorite blogs? IE 7, due to be pushed out in a forced update by Microsoft, will have a RSS feed reader integrated into the browser.
- [Fashion] This looks very cool – clothes made from bamboo.
- [Thinking out of the box] Great post from Seth on the risks of being boring and static vs. challenging the status quo – put in the context of mass layoffs.
This time it was Sante’s turn to cook. I pulled the weekend diva card (just something I use when I know I’ve accumulated a lot of washed dishes and meals thrown-together in my favor) and told him Saturday’s lunch was all on him.
That morning we went to the market a few blocks from our house. It’s quite a large market, with 4-5 booths just of fresh fish and 10-20 fresh fruit sellers, dozens of shoe sellers, clothes, household goods, etc. The row of booths makes a complete circle around a city block, so it’s a bit bigger than Pavia’s market, but not quite as big as Porta Portese in Rome and a cross between Via Sannio and Campo dei Fiori in the products that it offers. In case you want to find other street markets in Milan, a great link from the Comune’s tourism site tells location, hours, and public transportation for each market in the city (in Italian).
Our market is a place we hate to love and love to hate. When we first moved here, we got ripped off everywhere we went. Someone was always sticking an extra fennel or tomato on the scale, weighing things on the other side of the booth so you couldn’t see because “it was closer,” trying to get you to buy anything and everything, and charging us
Those bean…especially that 2nd pic…look like gems lined up in a jewelry box. Amazing the kind of stuff that you can find here. So much to experiment with, and not enough time to get to them all.
RYC: Whoops, sorry about the early food post ;-). Should’ve atleast started with an antipasto, no?
Pasta with beans: Don’t you love how Italians will pair a starch with a….starch? :-)
No short pasta on hand: How can that happen? I mean, here in the states my cupboard has every size & shape pasta you’d want. But then I remembered Italian kitchens aren’t that big. So you are forgiven. Besides, pasta is pasta. It’s all good.
Market tips: Say please and thank you? Courtesy goes a long way. Going to the same vendor and developing a relationship seems to work for Melinda G. But if they aim to rip you off, you’ll get ripped off.
1)Whenever down at the Farmers Market on a Wednesday night in Ocean Beach, San Diego, CA hang close to the flower stand for optimal observance of some of the most beautiful women in San Diego.
2)Always try to hit The Sunshine Company right at 5pm, order two half-off pitchers of their finest draught and get a seat near the window facing Newport Blvd.