One thing that may not be very known about Milan is that it is a city of cranes. And not the feathery, flighty kind. The ugly, disrupt-the-skyline because I’m building something kind. And they are building quite a lot in Milan.
This is some of the beauty I can see in and around my neighborhood:
At one point, I could count more than 20 cranes visible from my bedroom window.
And until recently, the evening was blissfully dark and those cranes were hidden. Until someone got the bright idea to “decorate” the cranes for the holidays. Going beyond the simple blinking red light at the top so a plane or low-flying aircraft doesn’t run into them, they’ve decorated them in blue of all colors. So the evening skyline now is this:
Luckily, there are some beautiful decorations around Milan around Christmas time (it is a great time to come visit if you’re thinking about it!), and I especially liked the use of these large wine jars to hold blinking lights – I would love to do this one day.
Even my butcher got into the spirit – you can hardly see the “Auguri” in the window with all the cotecchino and meat in the window.
I like nature’s decorations, too :)
I’ll be posting some of my other holiday decorations and announcing the winner of the Italian chocolate giveaway on the main Ms. Adventures in Italy blog later today.
Happy Holidays!
I like your new blog much better :) I got tired of only good and beautiful things but this is real life and I like it :)
I definitely take this as a compliment :) I know that good & beautiful doesn’t always equal interesting for everyone.