So a few years ago, I was born today. But enough about that. I thought I would take the opportunity to compare and contrast the birthday scene here in Italy vs. mine at home. Please add anything for your particular country or scene where you live! Celebrating with friends (U.S.): Usually one or two of…
Market-Fresh: Pasta e Fagioli
[Baby] What a baby weekend! Welcome to little Veronica, born on Sunday to my friend Gia in Torino! I saw her the day before and we shopped like maniacs. I’m not worthy. [Tech] Die-hard Internet Explorer fan? Ready to start using RSS to track your favorite blogs? IE 7, due to be pushed out in…
Bit of a Circus Freak, Really
Welcome to the world, little Ginevra! I hope you and Mommy Helen are doing fine on your birth day! And happy birthday Dad! Some cool workspaces that definitely beat mine! Lifehacker details why the improved Google Reader could be better than Bloglines (I’m not jumping ship yet) It started with a mojito. Ok, it started…
Day Trippin’ Firenze: My Secret Eating Place (pt. 2)
One of my former colleagues is launching a new site Menuism – A restaurant reviewing site that I was lucky enough to be a part of the beta version! Very cool design and I really like the emphasis on the menus of the restaurants! Ready now for all the major cities in the U.S. When…
Day Trippin’ Firenze: My Secret Eating Place
Even as I write this post, I feel like I am breaking some sacred code. I want to share something with you, something I enjoy so much that by sharing it I am also lessening my enjoyment at the same time. I did a semester abroad in Italy back in 1999, when they still had…