Listening to: Jesus Christ Superstar Feeling Like: I’m up there with him Ah, another year, another Marted
Only the funny need apply
Something that would make my mom proud: Really interesting use for Photoshop: Vintage products used in the 21st century So, let’s talk a little bit about advertising. Since I started working for an ad agency, I have increasingly looked at other advertising with a bit of a critical eye – learn something, get inspired,…
I’ll be your Hardy…
Amazing, genius composer you should know: [ Ennio Morricone ] I suggest: [ Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone ] [ Film Music Vol. 1 ] Sometimes my work is like a day spent with Laurel & Hardy….let me give you an example. A true, actual account of how we are organized. (If you don’t get…
One step back, but two forward
Ingenious: Little People in the World of Food Grooving to: Mostly Classical (internet radio) Well, last night I had a break-through. Er, maybe what I meant to say was break-down. I don’t remember the last time tears came to my eyes at work, because of work. I’m working a new job and though I…
An Opinion on Commuting & Conversing
Cool Event: Pillow Fight Club’s Valentine’s Day Fight in SF Listening to: Energy 92.7 (also on internet) I spent quite a bit of time earlier crafting a blog post about the Army Teaching Troops How not to Marry a Jerk – the post got a little politically charged. Strangely, I had big problems with Blogger…