Rejoicing: US cigarette sales drop to 55-year low
Pondering: Cute Vegan-made bags
A demonstration was scheduled today in Milan by Forza Nuova, a facist group (far-right)…and the far lefts from many “Social Centers” decided to demonstrate in return. (Cue “Cool” from West Side Story)
A note about Social Centers (or Centro Sociale) in Italy – they are usually self-sustaining & self-managed organizations that help raise awareness about political and cultural issues (see: legalizing marijuana) but often helping less-fortunate countries and people. They are not interested in helping the far-right, though.
Somewhere in the middle of all of this, violence and anger was turned upon the police (see: anarchists). After a patrol car was set on fire, the demonstrations started looking like this.
Photos from La Repubblica
Do I have anything to do with this situation? Well, kind of. The demonstrations were in the Porta Venezia area, and about 200 meters behind the photographer of the first picture, there’s a park.
Where I was sitting, enjoying the sun. Oblivious. (*sheepish grin*)
When I entered the park, I had noticed the smoke but it wasn’t very much (that happened much later) but I did hear sirens every few minutes. I am so used to ridiculous and unnecessary use of sirens from when I was living in Rome (see: Politicians) that I am not really affected by them anymore.
Little did I know.
Some information in English. And more in Italian.
On a very side note, I finally tried the Kit Kat Dark. It left me….well, I left it, on the table unfinished. Those of you that know me know that’s a feat in itself! It was nothing special and the dark chocolate totally overpowered the bland wafer filling which seemed so right with the original version. PS> Did you know that in the U.S., Hershey’s makes KitKat, and in Europe, Nestle does? (They are competitors) Check out all the special editions that have been made over the years – Kit Kat Grape? Green Tea?
Laurie says
These people are INSANE. I am glad you are safe, Sara….
Tracie B. says
i saw that on “striscia la notizia” last night…it was weird, as they usually have clips that “make you laugh.” this one definitely didn’t…
i am a dark chocolate fan, but i have always enjoyed the delicious crisp of the kitkat wafer. per your advice, i think i’ll skip the calories on the new dark one.
btw–there is not word in italian for crispy. there’s only croccante, which, you know, means crunchy. crispy and cruchy are two very different textures, dammit, and i’ll will not use them interchangeably.