You can finally Adopt a German man or woman! Or at least for the duration of the 2006 World Cup.
Two You-Tube videos you can’t miss:
Mr. T, renowned singer, teaches you to treat your Momma Right. (This one’s for you, Mom)
The next video is a Senate hearing in 1969 where Mr. Rogers (of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood) uses persuasive speech (or more popularly called, Jedi Mind Tricks) to get $20million in funding for the Public Broadcasting System. I have to be honest, I never liked Mr. Rogers and in the video he’s quite young, and his voice is EXACTLY THE SAME. I thought he’d break character sometime, but no. Worth a watch.
We are leaving PAVIA!! I have to say, I’m excited. We’re moving to Milan in July and the days of spending 3 hours commuting are soon to be over! We’ll be moving to a pretty cool area in Milan, walking distance from bars, discos, movie theaters and lots of restaurants, and…only 15 minutes walking to my office. WOOT!
I am starting to collect some photos to post my “Best of Pavia” series in a few weeks. Let me know if you have any requests, and stay tuned.
I tried to catch up on my inbox a bit this weekend. I used to be a lightning-speed responder and now I’m lucky if I get to the email in a week. I like email, and it’s a natural medium for me, just like instant messaging. But I know some others out there are a little more email-challenged. Like those of you who haven’t responded to my emails in quite a while.
To quote a good friend of mine, “I really like receiving email, and reading them. I don’t really like responding, though. And this seems to affect me receiving more.”
Therefore, for the sake of progression and bettering humankind, I have decided to help you, my fellow human being.
Following in the steps of the famed MadLibs, I have created the “Easy Email Responder.” You are all welcome to use it and help those afflicted. (If you have writer’s block, you can fill out the World’s Longest MadLib)
How it works is you write your email as usual to the recipient. Then, after your salutation, you paste the Easy Email Responder you prepared so that the person can reply and then fill in your prepared blanks.
Here’s an example of a real EER I sent to a friend today. (Parentheses to be changed by you, blanks by the responder)
Hi Sara –
It was nice to hear from you, and thanks for asking about (my relationship). So, to fill you in, (Francesco) is __________________. I think _______________. At least, I __am/am not__ pregnant, thank god!
My job is __________ and maybe I’ll ___________ in the future.
Most recently, I’ve been spending my time _______________. This summer, I’m going to ____________ and ____________, and if I get really lucky, I’ll _____________.
Other than that, things are _____________. My (family) is ________________, and in _________ we’re _________ together.
I hope we’ll be able to visit you ______________. Maybe we’ll see you at the Heathrow airport!
So, how are things with you?
So glad you are moving, I used to grimace when you told me about your commute. Yikes! When will you be in your new place? You can tell me this w-e. Ciao.