- Only about 27% of my visitors are using Firefox for a browser. Make the switch! Two cool plugins I really like and am using:
- A weather forecast at the bottom of your browser toolbar.
- Now you don’t have to open IE for that one pesky site that wants IE. Open a site in IE from within your Firefox browser.
So I have officially moved from Blogger (remotely published here) to WordPress‘s stand-alone version (hosted on my hosting server). I decided to make the switch since my Yahoo! Hosting was offering it (as well as MoveableType and their 360
I’m a huge fan of WP. I think your blog looks fabulous.
I like the plug in that sends an email if the visitor wants to be notified that someone else has commented on the same entry. It’s called Subscribe to Comments.
Oops, one more comment … I can’t find my way back to your start page once I wander off. Clicking the logo at the top is usually how it’s done.