I’ve been very busy at work with a big project, but I took the time this weekend to upgrade my WordPress and therefore change my theme so I can use sidebar widgets. It was a bit of a mess with Yahoo! web hosting but luckily my day job served me well to get down and dirty in some of the databases and code.
Make sure you click through to my site to see my new header(s) – it randomly loads a new image every time! (It’s the small pleasures, folks!) Give me some feedback if something doesn’t work for you.
I was memed by first Beth and now Susan so I better get to it! I’m not much of a meme‘r…actually it goes way back to 1995 when email was first starting to get popular with friends – since we were unused to it I think a conspiracy started to forward 567,838 forwards and chain emails to generate traffic on the net. I have had an aversion to the letters “Fwd” from that day on.
But since I notice I have one or two visitors that are not my mom, I thought maybe you would like to know something about me other than the fact I seem to be eating all day every day!
Doing a mash-up of both memes: 5 Things that you don’t know about me, and 5 totally useless…maybe they are one and the same? :) I’ll let you decide.
- I’ve had long, curly hair all my life. Until Saturday, that is, when I cut my hair to my chin. And added bangs, another first. I keep looking in the mirror and going, who is that person? It’s going to take some getting used to. On a related note, I’m starting a petition that hot guys can’t become hairdressers. Who wants to see a pic?
- I sang in choirs for about 15 years, but so far I’ve been taking a break while living in Italy. My career highlight is messing up on Japanese national television. I love to sing, and one day, I WILL be atop a piano in a dress with a plunging neckline. In the meantime I provide entertainment for my co-workers during our coffee break.
- I also love to dance. If I’m dancing, I can stay up until all hours, with or without alcohol. My 1st-generation ipod and I have had some good times. If my co-workers get lucky and I’ve had two coffees, I throw in a rendition of The Lord of Dance for them in the break room. Salsa/merengue and techno are my favorites, R&B comes in a close second/third.
- I have a knack for remembering lyrics and melodies, which was useful in number 2. One time this guy amused himself by going through his mp3 collection and asking me to recognize/sing the songs. I was flawless until we fought over a rap song that I insisted was Ice Cube. He insisted I was wrong and informed me it was Westside Connection. The next day I showed him that Westside Connection had none other than Ice Cube as a member. Hee.
- I can’t stand to walk on wet cardboard or wet newspaper. If it’s on the sidewalk, I will jump around it or cross the street if I have to. I have no idea why, but the consistency gives me the willies.
- I can intertwine my toes. This freaked out S for a while when he would see me lying on the bed, legs crossed and toes crossed.
- I’m from the Garlic Capital of the World…and damn proud of it! haha. No, seriously, every year there’s a festival and I worked there for years, and now I just go back for the peppersteak sandwiches and stuffed mushrooms. And yes, one year I dressed as a garlic bulb. But I was 12, give me a break.
- A big passion of mine is reading, with fits in the food-loving side of me since I eat books. I once read Gone with the Wind on one plane ride (to Fiji). I also picked up the habit in recent years of smelling books. You know, opening the book and taking a big whiff. Of course, this has become harder with ebooks, but I try. Go ahead, try it. You know you want to.
- I have a problem with eating meat off the bone. As in, I don’t like to do it. Chicken wings? No thanks. Ribs? Ack. Chicken fingers? Good. I know I’m missing out and hopefully I’ll get over it as I can’t see upholding that one with children as the boneless varieties of meat aren’t very plentiful.
- I mentioned before I can blush furiously, but I have no problems approaching complete strangers in a non-work environment. What do you have to lose? In Hawaii, my friends dared me to go talk to some guys in a restaurant to find a place for us to go out that night. Three groups of guys later, I sat down with a guy at his booth while he was eating alone and started talking. Dares can be fun.
PS: I am not in the military. This pic relates back to Point Number 10. I have another in a Carabinieri hat.
This was hard for me, because probably the things that might be weird/interesting to someone else I probably find to be “normal” because, well, it’s me! I’m not a big tagger, so – Who else wants to reveal the weird/interesting/unknown in them?
You’re so cute in that hat! I am sure that also the new haircut is fine. I used to have long hair all my life. At thr age of 10 my mum forced me to cut them and I looked like a hen, she couldn’t even deny it!
Now I am gonna cut them in spring. I wanna an haircut like the Victoria Beckham’s one. A bob with long strands near the face. You can see the pic on her website > blog > traveling in style > 2nd pic
I love the haircut and yes I want to see a photo of your hairdresser.
I laughed outloud about your Westside Connection story. Your co-workers sound great.
When are you going to join a choir again? I used to sing in a choir until I graduated from high school, I kinda miss it.
Paola, my hair is a bit similar to Victoria’s (shorter still!) and I have bangs!
NYC, that pic is actually from 3 years ago – the “new” me looks very different, mostly because of those bangs. Maybe I’ll be able to find a pic of the hairdresser or you’ll have to come and be a “client!”
Hi, this is the first time I visit your blog, and I would like to compliment you! From the above list I noticed we have a bunch of things in common, like singing, remembering lyrics, dancing, reading and blushing!
I’m from the Netherlands, but I used to live in the US. And I love to learn languages, I’m actually taking an Italian course now.
Even I did not know that you can cross your toes. I would describe you as “weird-normal” somewhat like me and Uncle Terry…..love dad
I have been reading your blog for months yet I have never commented. You have had me laughing out loud – more than once. I am currently in my adjustment stage of moving to Italy and learning Italian. I just need to relax. Oh and I do not sing, nor dance, but I do blush and enjoy wearing crazy hats when they are available.
fun stuff.
hey, your “I can blush” link is broken. And I love the new look. I’m a big fan of plain and simple. I don’t see the widgets, though.
btw … have you had a chance to take a peek at Vista and Office 2007? I lub it.
Deb, thanks for the heads-up! I’ve fixed it. I haven’t played with Vista at all yet – we’ll probably be late adopters, if anything. Sounds cool!
Hi Sharon, welcome! Thanks for de-lurking today. I hope your adjustment is going well – it can be difficult from one day to the next. Send me an email if you want to talk.
Nic, welcome, also! Why are you learning Italian? For fun?
Dad if you think I’m weird like you, we’re in trouble!!
When are you posting a picture of the new haircut? :) Or you’ll have to show me in person soon! Ciao, Michelle
Hey! New set-up looks great! Can’t wait to see the haircut, good for you… that can be so liberating. After the wedding I’m chopping mine too. Your pic is so adorable!
Hey I like the new blog look. C’est chic. ;)
The lyrics, melodies thing runs in the family, I can hear a muffled bassline of a song in a noisy bar and know what it is within seconds. This skill heightens record collecting with image/groovereading/sounds association. Still haven’t found a vinyl shop in Milan?
Hey, Thanks for playing! I love that you’re from Gilroy California. Every year they feature that garlic festival on the news and try to gross people out by highlighting the garlic ice cream or some such thing.
Ciao, Gilroy Girl! Greetings from the SF Bay Area. Personally, I couldn’t live without garlic, so I appreciate living near the garlic capital.
I enjoy reading your blog, and I appreciate all the links you provide. Keep up the good work!
ome on, lets see the new haircut!
i love smelling books too…what’s wrong with that?
Nice new look – i especially like the changing headers!
hmm? where’s the link to RWB girl?! I’m going to go post something and then sleep the rest of the day. blogging is tiring sometimes!
Michelle/Shelley/Nicki – I will get a pic of the haircut up soon!!
Tracie…I used to think it was weird…now I just try not to get kicked out of bookstores. :)
Jay, you’ll have to come visit for my vinyl picks.
Sei benvenuta, Rose! Bay Area gal and garlic lover? Great to have you!
Susan, have you tried the garlic ice cream? It’s not bad. :)
Jess, I took care of the link! Blogging is definitely tiring sometimes.