I’m sure everyone is pretty comfortable with the concept of a digestive (liquor). But did you know that you can take a digestive sugar?
As I showed Shelley this past weekend in Milan, there exists something as wonderful as zucchero matricale, “medicinal/digestive sugar” here. Sugar that you can, nay, you MUST eat to make sure you digest your meal properly.
How could I refuse? We know that I’m golosa, passionate for food, and candy holds a special place in my heart. And they’re so pretty and sparkly.
In other news, several of my friends in Trastevere (a quarter in Rome) are “eagerly” awaiting the arrival of “W” Bush tomorrow. Aside from any political comment, from a logistics standpoint going to Trastevere was an idiot’s choice. I was there in 2004 when he came to visit the last time, and between the protests and transportation routes closed off, the city was shut down!!
Trastevere, being the quaint and cool place it is, is built more for pedestrians, scooters, and the “short bus” to navigate its narrow and crowded streets. I mean, people live here, can you blame them for using the space? Having lived in Trastevere, I can only imagine them wheeling a bulletproof glass standing chamber called the Papa Mobile – “Pope Mobile” in Italian (powered by a Segway if he’s lucky), through the winding streets, pulled by the most loyal of his secret service men (and even then they are cursing that day’s particular duties). Snipers are on roofs pointing high-caliber rifles at both waiters on a smoke break and women airing their sheets out. Irons will be confiscated as a threat to security, which will grind the ironing-loving public to a halt and both underwear and socks alike will go throughout the day wrinkled.
W and his companions will occasionally dodge the persistent barbone looking for some change or alcohol because, though you can take out the dumpsters (reported to be happening for his arrival), you can’t always remove all the trash. Bush, wanting to play nice, will empty out his pockets and, not having any of that You-Row, will give the barbone dollars.
They will inevitably be cut off in their path by a woman who has lived in Trastevere for her entire life (all 120 years of it) and will probably step on the toes of one of the Secret Service men or push them aside with her wheeled shopping cart on the way to do her spesa or servizi for the day. Then they’ll come to a point in the road where the residents have graciously installed a cement block so no cars/scooters/bicycles can come through, and W will remain blocked, just mere yards away from his destination.
With the hyperbaric glass chamber for protection and his mode of transportation, they’ll have no choice but to turn around. But by now he’s got thousands of pedestrians, tourist groups en masse toting cameras, behind him trying to make their way to the most popular spots in Trastevere. So perhaps he’ll remain, stuck in his bulletproof glass chamber, in the middle of a sea of pedestrians, drug dealers, and vagabonds that are already eyeing the ear-thingies his secret service men are using.
Someone will probably smear gelato on the glass of his chamber and an American college student who just can’t make it through the morning after a night of “the best vino ever” will puke on and ruin W’s collection of handcrafted souvenirs from the local craftsmen at their tables in the piazza – the purchase a photo op to be used later for his “heart and soul of Italy” article. W will then send his secret service men to the Africans selling purses around the corner because “Laura wanted one of those Louie purses anyway.”
His dog Spotty will get in a fight with a punkabestia’s (bums with dogs) dogs and, being the pansy he is because from getting his nails clipped and eating off a silver tray, will lose terribly.
Welcome to Trastevere, Mr. President.
My friends and Trasteverian residents, I’m sending you all a virtual digestive sugar for this weekend.
In Italiano…..
Vi presento lo zucchero matricale – un digestivo di zucchero – l’ho trovato qua a Milano!! Che spettacolo che esiste una cosa così!!
Però prima, tanti dei miei amici stanno aspettando l’arrivo del Presidente George “W” a Trastevere domani. Al di là dei commenti relativi alla politica, da un punto di vista logistica, la scelta di andare a Trastevere era una scelta d’idiota. C’ero a Roma quando è venuto W l’ultima volta, e tra le manifestazioni ed i percorsi della città bloccati, la città era ferma completamente.
Trastevere, essendo la quartiere carina che è, è fatto per i pedoni, scooter, e gli autobus piccoli per navigare le sue strade strette. Le persone che ci vivono usano lo spazio che hanno. Visto che ho abitato a Trastevere, posso solo immaginare W dentro un “Papa mobile” – (un Segway modificato, se lui è fortunato), che viene tirato da quelli Secret Service più leali (anche se oggi si stanno lamentando il carico del giorno). Ci sono cecchini sui tetti delle case a Trastevere, puntando i fucili sia ai camerieri in pausa di fumo che alle casalinghe mettendo le lenzuola fuori. Tutti i ferri di stiro verrano confiscati per motivi di sicurezza, e quindi il pubblico che piace stirare rimarrà bloccato, con tutte le mutande e calze senza essere stirati quel giorno.
W ed i suoi compagni ogni tanto dovrebbero evitare i simpatici barboni che chiedono per spicchi o direttamente alcool, perchè, anche se rimuovi tutti i bidoni dell’immondizia di rifiuti da un posto, non puoi rimuovere tutta l’immondizia. Bush, volendo essere simpatico, cercherà nei suoi taschi per spicchi, e non trovando qualche “You-Row”, darà i dollari al barbone.
Verrano inevitabile tagliato la strada da una signora che ha abitato tutta la sua vita a Trastevere (tutti i suoi 97 anni) e probabilmente passerà sopra le scarpe dei Secret Service o metterà il carello della spesa adosso mentre va a fare la sua spesa o i suoi servizi della giornata. Poi a certo punto W ed i suoi compagni arriverano ad un punto della strada dove i cittadini hanno messo un blocco per non far passare le macchine o scooter, e lui rimarrà bloccato, pochi metri dalla sua destinazione.
Essendo dentro questo Papa Mobile per proteggersi e per il suo mezzo di trasporto, non avrà altra scelta, e dovrà tornare in dietro. Però ormai è circondato da migliaia di pedoni, turisti con macchine fotografiche, tutti provando ad andare ai posti più interessanti e particolari di Trastevere. Forse, rimarrà, bloccato dentro questa macchina blindata, in mezzo di una marea di pedoni, spacciatori, e vagabondi che stanno guardando con attenzione i Secret Service e quelli cosi carini che usano dentro gli orecchi.
Probabilmente qualcuno macchierà il vetro con un gelato, ed un studente americano, dopo una notte del “vino migliore mai assagiato” vomiterà sui souvenir artigianali di W preso dalle bancherelle delle artiste in piazza (l’acquisto fotografato poi diventerà un servizio sul “cuore ed alma dell’Italia”). W poi manderà i suoi Secret Service a comprare una borsa dagli africani dietro l’angolo perchè “Laura voleva uno delle borse Lu-ey comunque.”
Il suo cane, Spotty, sarà attacato da uno dei cani delle punkabestie, e visto che Spotty è così viziato e mangia sui piatti d’argento, perderà in una maniera vergognabile.
Benvenuto a Trastevere, Presidente.
Trasteverini, vi mando uno zucchero matricale virtuale (e forte!!).
HALLELUJAH! They came to their senses and cancelled his little gelato tour around the neighborhood.
And, digestive sugar? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Yes, please!
Poi, posso anche dire complimenti per i recenti post in italiano? Ma che brava!
Too good!
Sara, I like that you are posting in English and Italian. I am going to start reading the Italian version first to see how much I understand.
Very good read – I love your description of Trastevere and its colourful inhabitants. Makes me homesick for Roma.
#1. I’m sorry, Trastevere, for W’s visit. We don’t want him here, either.
#2. Sara – I’m practicing my comprehension with your translated posts. Thank you! Maybe one day I’ll be able to spit out a complete sentence without having to stammer like a tard.
The poor Trastevere and it’s residents.
I would hate to be the secret service detail who crosses paths with the old woman on her errands. You could just imagine the verbal trouncing they would take!
I hope you have lots of those digestivos as we could all use a few.
Hey Sara, thanks for the bi-lingual post. It helps with the Italian if I have something interesting to read to inspire the extra effort.
I’m trying to convince a friend of mine to write her blog in 3 languages (she has friends in 3 languages)!
Ah, I also saw the June issue of Glamour! Such a glamourous girl geek!
Oh, and I forgot…
Do I even need to comment on the poppin photos anymore?! Gorgeous as usual!
Trastevere lucked out – shortly after posting one of the White House agents read my post and advised W against it. Maybe.