Taking a nod from one of my favorite blogs, Problogger, I’d like to open up today to ask you, what can Ms. Adventures in Italy do better/different/more?
I’m going on vacation like most of Italy in August, but it’s also a good chance for me to do some planning, research, and make changes in my world of blogging! Last year at this time I made the move to WordPress and I’ve never been sorry.
- Topics – Are there particular (mis)adventures you’re interested in reading more about? More/Less: Recipes? Restaurant/store reviews? Places or a particular region around Italy? People from the street? Gelato? Regional specialties? Do you want more-less tourist information? Milan info? More-less photos? Work tales? Living in Italy tales?
- Personal stories – Is there anything you’d like me to share, or a question you’d like me to answer on the blog?
- Language – Are you interested in hearing more about the Italian language, or reading (partial) posts in Italian?
- Design – is there something that could be changed on my site or feed to make your experience better?
- Other Feedback – open season to state your peace
I welcome and appreciate all feedback. I am not looking for pats on the back (though I appreciate those when I receive them) but more comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, more/less, changes, etc!
PS: Don’t you love this door?
Personally I’d like to see you get into more mis-adventures, Ms. Adventures. Y’know, the kind of stuff that’ll elicit an “OMG! You did what?!”
But that’s just my mischievious self speaking. hee hee…
I like you to remain your own unique self. I don’t want you to become homogenized (although you can be sterilized as that is none of my business at all.)
I can’t think of anything else that would make this blog more enjoyable than it already is!
Awesome, it appears I have quite the “perfect” blog so far (NOT!) Come on y’all, speak up! I guess I should have offered another prize or something!
@Rowena – I have tons of misadventures that I probably can’t legally post while still working :) Look out for the book, ahah.
I always enjoy your reflections on the differences and nuances of the culture. More of that, please. Oh, and keep trying new recipes!
I think you have a good balance of personal, travel, recipes and cultural posts.
That said, I would like to see more about single men. I know you are married but don’t forget about the rest of us ladies. Kidding!
Get more down to earth…what about family in italy…how is run..who is in charge…how are the sons and daughters treated…what about living …how are the living standards…money…taxes, etc. …what about the north and the south..is it like the civil war in america?
I always enjoy stories about locals and local businesses, but I know they aren’t always easy to get. I like restaurant reviews with photos. But most of all, I like learning something from the blog that I didn’t already know, such as seeing something totally curious and weird, or finding out about a place or thing that is a well-kept secret. I know that kind of defeats the purpose but I always like feeling that if I follow a particular blog I might get a good tidbit or info. gem I wouldn’t get anywhere else!!
I love the posts you translate into Italian. Regardless of the subject matter. I need to practice and I think it helps.
Also, anything scandalous where we can trashtalk.
The only thing I could wish for is more. Would it be inconvenient to post 2-3 times daily?? Seriously, though the days you don’t post seem a little bit longer and a little less bright.
Scopro questo bellissimo blog solo adesso e me ne scuso :-) Complimenti. Interessanti i tuoi post. Un saluto. Ste-
I just discovered your blog today. I’ll be going to Italy in November. So I’m all for Italian travel tips, but I’m sure as I venture into your archives I’ll find some more.
What about a Q&A entry or two?
good: food reviews, recipes, cultural observations!
i think what’s missing is the personal aspect. in the old days of your blog it was much more personal. more stories about you, about your life. nowadays its more about information.
nonetheless, its still a great blog!
Your blog is still 10 times better than mine so I feel I can’t give you advice…but since you asked. More stuff about your trips down South and then I can relate! AAHH Remember burrata!
I love the mix of food and personal adventures. I agree with Rowena about the mis adventures and the subtle and not so subtle differences in Culture…”Che culo hai!” still makes me laugh and understand living here a bit more too. I like some of the new years thing you did with all the stuff about e books and such. Your adventures are our adventures.
Thank you all for taking the time to give me feedback…it is much appreciated. I’ll process them this next month.