Thanks everyone for comments on my Latest News…it’s going to be exciting!
And Wow! over 80 comments for a free jar of an organic Nutella-substitute! You guys really want these! Congrats to Mandy, Comment#58, winner of a free jar of Deanocciola flavor of your choice! Send me your address! And stay tuned…I may have a giveaway for another!
We have some good friends who have a “casa in campagna” a house in the countryside outside Rome. When I was there in May, I worked so long outside people thought I had spent my weekend at the beach! It reminds me of home since I didn’t grow up in a city proper, but outside just city limits on a little “mountain” of the Santa Cruz foothills. I enjoy laboring on their land, eating and drinking things they’ve grown or received from neighbors, and thrive without television (though I sneak in a few electronic books).
Through them, I’ve discovered the Feijoa fruit and enjoyed some spectacular views. Hopefully someday we’ll turn it into a B&B so some of you can enjoy the views in person.
Who can guess what these baby plants will become? This year I hope to come back at harvest time. I usually seem to miss it by a few weeks.
The view is a bit drier this time of year (May) than the gorgeous picture I took one November.
Are you growing anything? What are you looking forward to harvesting when they’re ready?
What you have there is baby olives, baby grapes and baby..hmm….looks like they will be figs but can’t be because the leaves aren wrong, they look more like they belong on a citrus tree……WAIT!!!! Is that a pomegranite?!?!?!?
Looks like a pomegranate to me!
If they are Pomegranate…i will be over to help you harvest!!!! I love them…takes me ages to eat one, but thats the fun bit!!!
I’m growing just herbs and a tomato. We’re doing container gardening. I’ve already been using my fresh dill, cilantro, parsley, mint, rosemary and chives.
Yep, I was going to say olives, grapes & pomegranate. Great pictures, Sara, come al solito.
Wow, Sara! Those pics are amazing. What camera do you have?
The olives are in full-bloom around here too! It promises to be a bumper crop, though it’s really too soon to tell for sure.
We have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, onions, lettuce and the usual kitchen herbs growing. We also planted several citrus trees this spring–lemon, clemintine, tangerine and one peach (with 9 peachlings on it!). I will plant an apricot tree and a pomegranate this fall.
Love your photos! I’d also like to know more about your camera…I took pics of the olives in bloom but even in close-up mode they weren’t great. Maybe I need to learn more about my camera…
The plants I believe in order of appearance are 1.. lemon 2.. Rapini..3 Pomegranate