On Friday (or Thursday eve, to be exact) I’m going back to the BlogHer conference, this year in San Diego. I have been before as a volunteer in both 2008 (SF) and 2009 (Chicago), and in 2010 I was also scheduled to be a volunteer but I got a new job and had to reschedule.
This year marks the first year I’ll be going to BlogHer as a speaker and I’ll be speaking about something I love – WordPress and more specifically BuddyPress for those interested in adding community features to your site – come to my panel at 1:30 on Saturday, “Social Media Geek: Implementing Community Features on your site.” If you can’t make it to my panel (there are a ton of cool sessions on during mine!) stop by before or after or send me an @ reply on Twitter to say hi and meet up (I’m @rosso on Twitter).
I’ll also hope to meet up with many of the food bloggers (those who still come to BlogHer even though there’s now a BlogHer Food) as well as healthy living bloggers since I’m writing about this at Food Blogger on a Diet. I’ll be at the BlogHer 5k Friday morning – yay! outside running in the summer :)
I’ll try to wear a different WordPress shirt every day (perhaps not in the evening) so make sure you stop any and all women wearing WordPress shirts and say hi.
Will you be there? Definitely let me know so we can meet up.
Will you be there, and are you a WordPress fan? We definitely need to meet up. I may have a surprise for you. :)
See you there!
@Kathy – definitely. I’ll have to compare schedules with you :)
I AM a WordPress fan but sadly won’t be there =( So bummed I’m missing another chance at hanging out with you!
Have a great time!
I’ll be there on Saturday and looking forward to meeting you!